According to BizBuySell’s recent national report, only about 20% to 30% of businesses that go to market sell. So, what happened to the other 70% of businesses that went to market and why were these businesses overlooked in favor of others?
Understanding what builds value in a business and what doesn’t is often an illusive concept for business owners. The earlier this understanding is reached by a business owner the greater chance they have to own a business that will not only be chosen over others, it will be a sought-after commodity that may sell for much more than other similar businesses. In addition, the business will be easier to run and offer the owner a greater latitude in time spent working “on” the business as opposed to “in” the business.
In the belief that it is imperative that all business owners are helped along this path of understanding that we invite you to use the tools on this page. We hope that you see the value in these assessments and the insights that they provide. As always, we look forward to having a conversation with you to answer questions and explore opportunities.
The quality of the financial information entered will impact these results as well. Please see the Valuation Starting Point Checklist that you can download from our Home page to get an idea of how your financial statements will be viewed by lenders, investors, and potential buyers.
Identify Your Path – Growth Planning Index™ (GPI™)
Not all business owners share the same goals. Some owners are just trying to make their business run better without allocating a lot of time and investment while others are trying to build value with an eye to an eventual exit. This valuable survey helps you identify your goals so you will not invest resources addressing issues that do not further your goals.
Starting Point Assessment – the Business Exit Readiness Index™ (BERI Index™)
Regardless of what stage of business you are in, this insightful 20 question survey provides you with what type of business owner you most resemble. Are you ready to exit, do you need to stay and grow the business or are you able to choose your transition option?
Ownership Dependency Index
Measures how dependent the business is on the owner. Though it may feel good to an owner to be the hub of activity and control, the more dependent a business is on the owner the harder it is to transfer that ownership. It also indicates when an owner needs to delegate duties more often in order to achieve their ideal lifestyle.
Strategic Capacity Analysis™
Estimate of Value Calculator
This calculator allows a business owner to enter the latest annual financial information to see what their business may be worth. This calculator is based upon a multiple of earnings approach and may not be the right measure of value for your business and should not be considered as a formal Valuation.